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Stress Less More Success

For High Achievers

The Ultimate Guide to Relax you Life and Live your Dreams

By Lyn and Graham Whiteman

From the Book

If you are stressed and are looking for help and support, it

seems that there are many lengthy hints and tips out there for you. much of the time those who are feeling stressed need time out, time to reflect, time to recover and reconnect. an option could be to look for a bodywork practitioner of Esencia

Relaxation™, and see what difference it can make to you.

Outlook on Life, Expanded view

In the past you may have been very stressed or working too

hard, or if like us in the past, you have experienced feeling close to a burnout level. When things get to this point, it is hard to make sense of anything. It tends to colour everything in the immediate surroundings. Body tensions pull at your awareness and there can be a state of constant pain, 'a niggling feeling' or perhaps a pain, that has been on going in the background. Things become very focused on what is going wrong, rather than what is going well, and this can lead to a feeling of overwhelm.

This is often not very well received by others who may be

taking things more in their stride. We may not wish to admit to a competitor of ours or to a work colleague that we are feeling stressed. so how do we deal with this?

© 2016 ‘Stress Less More Success’


Lyn and Graham

Stress Less Approach - Gentle Relaxation Bodywork like Neutral Space Relaxation or Esencia Relaxation Stress Less More Success Book Image for the ultimate guidance on Transformation

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‘Stress Less’

Lyn and Graham Award Winning Authors